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Chemical anchor
The chemical anchor is a reliable solution for solidly fixing components, providing exceptional strength and adhesion.
O produkcie
A one-component polyurethane compound for bonding fence blocks, stone blocks and prefabricated elements by JONIEC®. It can be used not only for fences, but also for bonding elements both inside and outside the building. It has good adhesion to concrete, brick, plastic, metal and many other substrates. Resistant to ageing (does not lose its properties over time).Available in packaging:
300 ml cartridge
600 ml film
The product requires a standard sealant squeezer for 300ml and a specialist sealant squeezer for 600ml packaging.
1/ Szybkie i łatwe kotwiczenie komponentów
2/ wysoka odporność na chemikalia
3/ wysoka nośność i parametry wytrzymałościowe
Directions for use
Application temperature from -10oC to +45oC. The setting time of the anchor at +20oC is 20-180 min.
The anchor is available in 300ml packaging.
Please read the information and recommendations on the product label before use.

Warranty period
2 years from date of manufacture